Sunday, May 17, 2020

Texas Chainsaw (A.K.A. Texas Chainsaw 3D)

Texas Chainsaw, also known as Texas Chainsaw 3D - The one where you root FOR Leatherface.

Yes, I realize this movie is seven years old now, and I own it and have seen it twice before, The first I think was on Netflix several years ago when it was first released to streaming, and again two or three years ago when I tracked down and ordered the Blu Ray because I was trying to complete my Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie collection. I do still need Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The New Generation Starring Matthew McCounaughey and Renee Zellweger.

So if this movie is already ancient by today's audience attention spans, why am I writing about it? Well I just watched it again on Hulu, enjoyed it and thought I would share. Why else do people read other peoples blogs? You may have never heard of the movie, may have never seen the movie, or have heard about it, not seen it and wondered if it was any good? Well I am here to tell you, it is.

Not just because the female lead is a cutie (too skinny for my tastes, but cute none the less)

Starring Alexandra Daddario as Heather Sawyer

There is even a action scene in the beginning featuring none other than Mr, Bill Moseley (Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, House of 1000 Corpses, The Devil's Rejects, 3 From Hell) himself.

The movie takes place immediately after the original 1974 Texas Chainsaw Massacre and starts out with a nice bloody action scene, then we meet Heather, and shortly after she gets a letter that she has inherited her grandmothers house, including Leatherface. overall I had a good time rewatching and this watch made me realize that I was rooting FOR Leatherface in the end, not the victims.

Anyway if you like horror and gore, give it watch. It is a good time.

The U.S. Blu Ray and DVD cover is the same image

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