Monday, March 29, 2021

End of Blog?

 As some of my regular readers may notice, I have been quite quiet on this blog recently. I honestly have lost the passion, I used to look forward to bringing home new (to me) Video game hauls, fixes, flips etc... But I have only made 2-3 posts since 2021 began.

It is not just the blog itself, but life in general. In 2005 I was diagnosed with Depression and Anxiety and I have been on and off medications over the last 15 years. The last couple years my Dr. has upgraded this to Severe Recurring Depression and Severe Anxiety. My social anxiety is so bad I have to go grocery shopping at 7:00am and use the self checkouts just to deal with the least amount of people as possible.

I also have Developed severe Telephobia: Telephone phobia (telephonophobiatelephobiaphone phobia) is reluctance or fear of making or taking phone calls, literally, "fear of telephones".[1] It is considered to be a type of social phobia or social anxiety.

Then there is the state of society in 2021. Everyone is so easily offended and worried about being "PC", no one seems to be responsible or held properly responsible for their actions to the determent of society in my personal opinion.

I know I am getting old, and if I had my own lawn I would be the guy outside shaking my fist and screaming "Stay Off My Lawn!" I am trying to distance myself as far from modern society as I am able. I also am going to be reigning in my internet presence as well. Anyone know how to see what/where online I have been, have accounts (message boards, etc..) so I can delete them? I remember reading an article years back ab9out this very thing, but can't seem to find it now. Of course I will stay on eBay, I make a lot of $$ on there selling stuff and spend a lot buying stuff.

I just want to buy a piece of land in the middle of no where, build a nice small house and Pole Barn/Shop for my Firebirds and other car work and make my living from home, with as little human interaction as possible.

In closing, I may or may not delete this blog. I will leave it up for a little while, so people can save  whatever info or what not they would like. I may also make One or Two more posts, as I do have pictures taken of a bunch of Xbox 360 stuff I have procured recently. I don't know, we will see where I land on this blog, thank you all for your years of reading, comments and emails. I may or may not be back.