Thursday, October 20, 2022

Where Have I been and What Have I Been Playing?

 Hey! Where the Hell have I Been? 

My last post was back on July 9th. Just where the Hellghast have I been? 

And just what the Hell have I been doing?

I am going to be honest, I have just been in a pretty shitty mood for the last few months, and really just haven't cared to get things up on my blog. I will be honest 1. because I have been lazy, but 2. I have/had some content started that I wrote, but it was all fairly negative. Now I know a lot of my older content was pretty abrasive, but the posts for the last 2 maybe 3 years have all been fairly positive AND with no foul language. I liked not being so negative all the time, or using filthy crude language regularly. But, I have made the decision to no longer take prescriptions for a couple mental health issues that I have been fighting with off and on since 2015, and I guess this is the effect. Me, Raw and Unfiltered. 

I also Turned 48 Years Old in August, so maybe I am just now officially a Cranky Old Man?

So anyway, I do have a few odd blog posts already started or written that I will post soon. I took the time to write them, so why not? But I also have lots of misc pickups that I have not shared yet. some going back to over a year (or more) ago.

One a lighter note, What Have I Been Playing?

First up, the main console I collect for, the Xbox 360

I have been playing a lot of Jeopardy. Yep, you read that right I said Jeopardy. Spoiler, it's a lot of fun. I had got a disc only copy in a game lot I bought, and after I sourced artwork and a manual, I decided to toss it in and check it out, and have been having a lot of fun! I am a big nerd (I finished High School when I was 15 years old) and enjoy Trivia & Puzzle games. My favorite trivia fame is still Scene it though, as one of my other collections and hobbies is movies (especially horror). So if you enjoy trivia games, Check It Out!

I also played through and finished the Campaign in Rage. I had started Rage back in December of 2013 according to my Achievements, and it fell into my backlog, Then it recently popped up to play through Game Pass. Although after going through the entire campaign, I only ended up with 250 Gamerscore. So I decided to restart and do all of the side missions and such, and I also had the DLC stuff from the 360 days, so re downloaded it to the Xbox One and am working my way through the game again and seeing how much I can get done.

And speaking of Game Pass, I also have been playing ALOT of

And by playing a lot of, I have completely played though the Career Mode 3 times (so far). plus there is a free play option so you can play any of the levels at anytime. This is just a Palin Fun, Relaxing Game. I can turn it on and just power wash away while listening to a Podcast or some Music. I am really hoping for some DLC soon.

Game Pass Ultimate also includes EA Play

In the past I would have bought this day one, however I do not have as much disposable income as I used to, so I was happy to see this game come to Game Pass via EA Play.  I am a huge Codemasters Racing Game Fan and Racing Game Fan in General, and the previous Grid game on Xbox One back in 2019 (Blog Here) Was great, so knew I had to play this one!

However I do have One Complaint. unfortunately, as seems to be the case with so many games these days, it is one of those always online games and while working my way through the Career Mode, In two different races, I had some rando being a Fucking Asshole and wanted to play Wreckfest (Which is also a great game) in Grid Legends.....  Then if I need to pause in the middle of a race, I can't the race continues. I have a kid I need to take care of, and a Small Bladder, and I need to pause during a race occasionally........Ok Regularly, and This Really Sucks. Why can't I just play the Damn Career offline, by myself? And Pause During a Career Race?  Can someone explain the "benefit" of having a game always online? 

More Coming Soon, I promise.

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