Sunday, October 13, 2019

Recent Decent eBay transactions, Meant it was time for some Bad

This pretty much sums my feelings feel about

So, I have been having a streak of pretty decent to good luck on eBay recently, so naturally of course, the scum bags finally had to rear their ugly heads. But not only once for me, but twice 😡

The first jackass was selling a game with a bonus cd, you all know how I am about my bonus cd's!

Here is the title they had:
Secret Weapons Over Normandy w/ Bonus CD - Original Xbox Game - Tested

In the description was:
All games are cleaned, tested and guaranteed to work!
Item pictured is the same item you will receive. If you have any questions, let me know and I will answer them as soon as possible.

Along with these pictures
Shows with bonus disc in a Xbox double disc case.

This is what I received
No Bonus Cd, No Double Disc Case?? But it did have a manual......

So of course I file a claim with eBay, and get a return label, and I sent the time back. No Communication at all from the seller what so ever, still waiting for a refund.

The shitty seller #1 of the day:
99.8% Positive feedback

Two days later, I received yet another package that was not what was described.

I came across a Buy It Now style auctions for a Need for Speed Carbon Collectors Edition. It did not include the game disc, but clearly stated it did include the complete case, manual and Bonus Disc.

I wasn't sure if the actual game disc was any different than the standard edition (which I already had) or not, but for $5.55 shipped, I figured I would at least have the case and of course, The Bonus Disc!

However what I received...
No slip cover? This is supposed to have a slip cover...... No Biggie

But inside
What, what is this? an original Playstation game?? No double disc case? 


Screwed again by another douchebag eBay seller, twice in the same week, twice two days apart!

I immediately filed a claim, and was refunded within 20 minutes, Kudos to the seller for the quick response and acknowledgement, however I am still giving you a negative, Fuckstick.

The shitty seller #2 of the day:
100% Positive feedback

So, that is how it rolls on eBay, good transactions only continue for so long before the thieving, scamming, scum crawl out from under their rocks.

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