Sunday, April 3, 2016

Quick Black Ops III Brag

I decided after watching 007 Casino Royale last night to play a few quick rounds of Call of Duty Black Ops III Multiplayer, Felt like shooting a few kids in the face.

When I went and logged in, I was  greeted with the following message
 Wow, guess I had a good round when I played last weekend. I got a Killstreak of 16 in a match. It says it is in the top 14% of Scores ever for this game.

I am not even really that good, I used to be, I used to be awesome. But, I don't play nearly as much as I used to, and I have lost interest in the series since Modern Warfare 3. Not so much into the future stuff, if I wanted that I would play Titanfall or Halo. Bring back WW II or Modern stuff, that is where I had the most fun.

Anyway, I do have one question. Is that the top 14% of Xbox One? Or is it the top 14% of Black Ops III over all consoles? It does say ever for this game, so I am going to inflate my ego even more and say it covers everything, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and Playstation 4.

Here's a video of me playing, but remember I warned you, I am not that good.

Enough Bragging, new video game pickups coming soon, just waiting for a few pieces to come from eBay, and getting pictures taken, etc.. etc..

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